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Dear Families and Friends of the Vermont Veterans' Home

Dear Families and Friends of the Vermont Veterans Home,


I would like to acknowledge the ​challenges that everyone across our country is facing as we work to mitigate to effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We at the Vermont Veterans Home are actively engaged with our local hospital and the Vermont Department of Health in conjunction with the CDC in a coordinated effort to systematically diminish the progression of the virus through our society.


All our staff is actively engaged in this effort to lower the impact of coronavirus on those who live here and our staff. Many measures have been intensified including emphasis on hand washing, respiratory etiquette and as well as new initiatives such as the development of a dedicated ward for those with acute respiratory illness and employee health screening at the beginning of every shift. We are monitoring every veteran and member for fever and the appearance of respiratory symptoms twice a day. Observing the behavior of the virus globally, I recognize that coronavirus will impact us here at the home but the preparation we have done over the past two months has helped to engage us all in the effort to mitigate that impact. These efforts will help us to identify those who become ill earlier so we can get them to the appropriate level of care.


Our activity department is working to try to maintain some sense of normalcy for our residents within the constraints of avoidance of group activities.  They are also offering to help connect residents with their families using email, telephone and video calls. Staff from all departments are helping with meals and this has offered a great opportunity to get know the veterans and members better as the staff we work with.  Our social work staff is very involved with supported residents through this ordeal.


I know that we will eventually be able to look back on this ordeal when it's over, having forged lasting bonds with the residents, families and coworkers who accompanied us on this journey.


Thank you for your support,


Peter King MD