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Committee Meeting Information


Budget and Finance Committee:  P. Fagan (Chair), R. Hooper, M. Klopchin, J. Scribner, J. Troiano, S. McClafferty, Finance Director (Staff)

Next scheduled meeting:  July 19, 2024, at 1:00pm.  In person at the Clarendon Town Office, 279 Middle Road, North Clarendon, VT  05759, or join by phone:  Dial 1-877-278-8686, PIN 305599.  Agenda:  Discuss proposed audit of the Board of Trustees accounts.    (updated 7-10-24)

Buildings and Grounds Committee:  C. Tester (Chair), L. Cupoli, M. diMonda, D. Fabricius, M. Hurt, A. Whitcomb, COO (Staff), Environmental Services Director - vacancy (Staff)

Next scheduled meeting:  July 19, 2024 at 11am in person at the Vermont Veterans' Home, 325 North Street, Bennington, Vermont 05201, in the Upstairs Boardroom.  Agenda:  Welcome and introductions; Bennington Veterans Incubator Farm (with guest); Review VVH leases; Roundtable.   (updated 7/9/24)

Nominating Subcommittee: C. Dickerson (Chair), J. Carmichael, vacancy

Next scheduled meeting: To be determined

By-Laws Subcommittee: C. Dickerson (Chair), J. Carmichael, vacancy.  Others as needed

Next scheduled meeting: To be determined

Strategic Planning Committee: G. De Gasta (Chair), C. Adams, J. Carmichael, B. Cruickshank, C. Dickerson, P. Fagan, M. Klopchin, C. Tester, M. Jackson, CEO/Administrator (Staff), A. Whitcomb, COO (Staff)

Next scheduled meeting:  July 17, 2024 at 10am via Teams.  Dial 802-828-7667, Phone Conference ID 246 011 119#.  Agenda:  Strategic Plan Goals; H.794 Legislation; Executive Session (if called).  (Updated 7-10-24)


Outreach and Marketing Committee: J. Carmichael (Chair), K. Butterfield, S. Pinsonault, R. Setzer, C. Tester, A. Whitcomb, COO (Staff), M. Crowl, Marketing/Admissions Coordinator (Staff)

Next scheduled meeting:  To be determined.  More information will be provided once available.   (updated 7/10/24) 

Quality Assurance Committee: C. Adams (Chair), B. Cruickshank, R. Setzer, M. Jackson, CEO/Administrator (Staff), J. Cody, QA Nurse (Staff), D. Richards, Director of Nursing Services (Staff)

Next scheduled meeting:  August 19, 2024 at 11am via Teams.  More information will be provided once available. (updated 7-10-24) 


Executive Committee: G. De Gasta, President, P. Fagan, Vice President, M. Klopchin, Secretary, B. Cruickshank, C. Dickerson

Next scheduled meeting:  September 18, 2024 at 10:00am via Teams.  More information will be provided once available.  (posted 5-3-24)